Borrowing options: If Brown doesn't have what you are looking for, use Interlibrary Loan to request your item through WorldCat. Other borrowing options are also available, including access to the public libraries in Providence and surrounding communities.
Research consultations with a librarian: Request a research consultation: One-on-one research consultations with a librarian
Ask your subject librarian: (email, phone, chat, in person) Find librarians by subject
Resource guides: Explore subject guides on over 80 topics to find resources by subject.
Theses and electronic dissertations: Electronic submission of dissertations is available to Ph.D. candidates with expansion to master's theses in the near future.
Get a carrel: Brown students writing a dissertation or thesis, and Brown faculty members, may apply at the Rock circulation desk or by email for the use of a study carrel in the Rockefeller, Sciences or Orwig Library.
Find special collections that support your research: Learn more about over 250 collections notable for subject matter, age, uniqueness, or value as well as available digital collections.
Course Reserves: Use Course Reserves to place books and other physical media on reserve AND to create electronic reserves: links to ebooks and other online content, digitization of articles, book chapters, full-length movies, short video clips, and audio files. Links to reserves in all formats will be added to your MyCourses site.
Library and research skills instruction: Research skills instruction sessions led by a subject librarian are available at all levels and with a wide range of topics.
Customized course guides to research and resources: customized research guide for your course prepared by your subject librarian .
IT Knowledgebase: links to support for Canvas, course preview pages, course email lists, wikis, blogs, clickers/classroom response system, and instructional technology consultations.
Classroom technology/Media Services: Media Services provides equipment, training and media support for faculty, staff and students.
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