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AFRI1110 Voices Beneath the Veil, African American Drama from 1858 to Present

A study of African-American history, life and cultures through the analyses of a sampling of plays from 1858-the Present written by Black authors. The pedagogical approach is to develop your critical thought process

General Guides

Online exhibit featuring items from the Library of Congress's collections representing the African American experience in the U.S. from slavery to the civil rights era. See also the complementary exhibit and resource guide:  African-American Mosaic
Black History: Chronology Topics (National Archives and Records Administration)
Provides links to numerous online exhibits, documents, and other material covering a variety of topics relating to the history of African Americans in the U.S.

Black History Teaching Resources (Smithsonian Institution)
Provides links to a variety of exhibits, teaching tools, and other resources that incorporate materials from the Smithsonian collections.

Black Soldiers in the Civil War (National Archives and Records Administration)
Online resource that uses primary documents to give context to the experiences of Black soldiers in the Civil War; topics include treatment of Black POWs and equal pay for Black soldiers. 

Statistics & Data

Statistical Abstract of the United States (ProQuest)
Provides detailed statistical tables from U.S. government sources; includes publications from 1970 to the present; coverage includes historical and current data.
Historical Statistics of the United States (Cambridge U. Press)
Provides detailed statistical tables from U.S. government sources; coverage from colonial days to present.
Annual compilation of detailed tables describing the Black population in the U.S. Data from 2003 forward include both "Black Alone" population and "Black Alone or in Combination" data.
FastStats:  Health of Black or African American Populations (Centers for Disease Control)
Summary presentation of facts and statistics on health issues; includes links to tables, reports, and other materials that include breakdowns by race.
Civil Rights Data Collection (Department of Education)
Provides data collected by the Dept of Ed's Office of Civil Rights on key education and civil rights issues in U.S. public schools; used primarily by OCR in its enforcement and monitoring efforts regarding equal educational opportunity. Contains data beginning in 2000.

Legislative Material

For Congressional bills, committee reports, hearings and speeches, see:

Executive Branch Documents

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
        Current events (USCCR homepage)
        Historical publications (Thurgood Marshall Law Library, University of Maryland)
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
          Current events (HUD homepage)
