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A Companion to the Hispanic Studies Preliminary Exams Reading List

This guide provides students with auxiliary bibliography to prepare for their doctoral qualification exams. The Primary Texts Reading List can be accessed here:

General Bibliography

For general guidance, please refer to the introductions of the recommended editions on your reading list, the Critical Guides to Spanish Texts collection, and the following:

Cambridge History of Latin American Literature. Ed. Roberto Glez. Ecvhevarría and Enrique Pupo-Walker. Cambridge UP, 1996.

Historia y crítica de la literatura hispanoamericana. Ed. Cedomil Goic. Crítica, 1988.

Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana. Ed. Luis Íñigo Madrigal. Cátedra, 1982.

De la Conquista a la Independencia: Tres siglos de historia cultural hispanoamericana. Mariano Picón-Salas. FCE, 1975. 


Some Suggested Critical Thinkers to Deepen Into the Fields

Generalists: Ángel Rama; Mary Louise Pratt; Francine Masiello; Gwen Kirkpatrick; Jean Franco, Alberto Moreiras, Walter Mignolo; John Beverley. 

Specialists: Daniel Balderston (Borges), Efraín Kristal (Vargas Llosa), Saúl Yurkiévich (Avant-gardes), Guillermo Sucre, Ericka Beckman (19th and 20th Centuries), Ignacio Sánchez Prado (México and World Literature), Mariano Siskind (Modernismo and World Literature), Jorge Coronado (Andean Region), Rachel Price (Caribe and experimentalism), Anke Birkenmaier (Caribe), Fernando Rosenberg (Avant-gardes and Human Rights), Sergio Delgado (Neoavant-guards and Sensorial Aesthetics).


Colonial Latin America


Further reading: Reading Columbus (Margarita García Zamora, U. California Press, 1993), Language and Authority and Indigenous History in the Comentarios reales de los IncasSor Juana Inés de la Cruz o las trampas de la fe (Octavio Paz, Seix Barral, 1982), Guaman Poma de Ayala: Writing and Resistance in Colonial Peru (Rolena Adorno, Austin UP, 1986), Baroque Times in Old Mexico (Irving Leonard, Michigan UP, 1959).


19th Century

20th Century (until 1950)

20th Century (since 1950)