EBSCO ebooks are online versions of print books that the library has either purchased with a perpetual license or via an annual subscription. eBooks are available from all major academic publishers in virtually all academic disciplines.
EBSCO eBooks are compatible with for the following eBook Readers:
A complete list of Adobe ebook DRM compatible devices and apps is available here.
Note: Currently, EBSCO does not support mobile devices that use the Windows operating system.
EBSCO ebooks can be read online, in-browser by selecting the "EPUB Full Text" option when viewing the ebook record.
To read ProQuest ebooks on your mobile device or tablet, you'll need to download the EBSCO ebooks mobile app. For iOS Devices visit iTunes and for Android Devices visit Google Play.
After downloading the app, you'll need to set follow these steps to browse and download ebooks from your device:
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