Ebook collections available at the Brown University Library
Brown University Libraries have an extensive collection of ebooks in a variety of disciplines. This guide will assist you in searching for, accessing, and downloading digital content.
Access more than 1,100 full-text Chinese ebooks covering all academic disciplines.
Full text Chinese ebooks provided by Super Star. Brown Library currently has a collection of over 1,100 selected Chinamaxx ebooks in a wide range of subjects of areas. New selections may be added in the future.
Provides access to page images of printed work from the British Isles and North America, as well as works in English printed elsewhere from 1470-1700.
From the first book published in English through the age of Spenser and Shakespeare, this collection now contains about 100,000 of over 125,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640) and Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) and their revised editions, as well as the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) collection and the Early English Books Tract Supplement. Subjects include English literature, history, philosophy, linguistics, theology, music, fine arts, education, mathematics, and science.
A large selection of multidisciplinary ebooks from all disciplines
EBSCO eBook Academic Subscription Collection is a growing ebook subscription package containing a large selection of multidisciplinary ebook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter. It contains more than 113,000 titles; all titles are available with unlimited user access. Subject coverage includes art, business & economics, education, language arts & discipline, literary criticism, medicine, performing arts, philosophy, poetry, political science, religion, social science, and technology & engineering.
Provides access to information on the ethics of health professions, animal research, population control, and the environment, 2004 edition.
2004 edition; covering a wealth of topics on the ethics of health professions, animal research, population control and the environment, this title helps researchers to consider the impact of new scientific knowledge and its potential to harm or benefit-present and future generations.
Provides access to Korean scholarly journal articles, university publications, and research papers, 1913-present.
1913-present; full text database of Korean scholarly journal articles, university publications and research papers published by over 1,200 research institutions in Korea. The DB includes 800,000+ full text articles and covers most subject areas published since 1945. Please click on the link for the KISS User Guide.
Provides access to 4,000 Korean ebooks, including academic monographs, dissertations, and theses, covering a wide range of subjects in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and natural and medical science, 2001-present.
2001-present; KSI Ebook contains over 4000 Korean ebooks, including academic monographs, dissertations and theses, covering a wide range of subjects in the arts and humanities (literature, philosophy, history), social sciences (economics, law, welfare), natural and medical science. For assistance in searching, try the KSI Ebook Guide.
Provides access to more than 790,000 books and imprints from more than 650 publishers across all subject areas
Ebook Central is an ebook platform that integrates the strengths of ebrary and EBL, plus adds new functionality. At the core of Ebook Central is an exhaustive selection of authoritative, scholarly content 790,000 titles and 1,350 imprints from more than 650 publishers on one platform. An average of 100,000 newly published titles will be added each year.
Provides access to journals, ebooks, and conference proceedings, 1953-current.
1953-current; SIAM contains the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Digital Library of its journals. The Digital Library consists of SIAM Journals Online (1997-present), LOCUS (1953-1996)and SIAM Ebooks. Discovery of articles is achieved with the Scitation search tool.
Provides access to papers spanning biomedicine, communications, sensors, defense and security, manufacturing, electronics, energy, and imaging.
1990-present; the SPIE Digital Library is an extensive resource available on optics and photonics, providing unprecedented access to more than 300,000 technical papers from SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings. Contents of the SPIE Digital Library Proceedings of SPIE: Starting at Volume 1200 (1990)* Optical Engineering: Starting at Volume 29 (1990) Journal of Electronic Imaging: Starting at Volume 1 (1992) Journal of Biomedical Optics: Starting at Volume 1 (1996) Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS: Starting at Volume 1 (2002) Journal of Applied Remote Sensing: Starting at Volume 1 (2007) Journal of Nanophotonics: Starting at Volume 1 (2007) Journal of Photonics for Energy: Starting at Volume 1 (2011) SPIE eBooks: A selection beginning 1989 * Some Proceedings volumes are not available in the SPIE Digital Library as SPIE does not have electronic rights to this material.
Discover millions of books, journals, images and maps digitized from libraries around the world, current.
HathiTrust is a partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of book and ejournal titles digitized from libraries around the world. As members of HathiTrust, Brown users get PDF download access to nearly 3 million public domain or permissioned works that were a part of the Google Books digitization projects, or were contributed to the trust by other member institutions.
To login, click the LOGIN BUTTON and select Brown University from the list of institutions. If you have not already authenticated with your Brown username and password, you will then be asked to do so. While you can read articles without logging in, you will NOT be able to download articles.