1945-present; annual reference for studying the U.S. Congress, the Almanac offers original narrative accounts of every major piece of legislation that lawmakers considered during a congressional session. Arranged thematically, CQ Almanac organizes, distills, and cross-indexes for permanent reference the full year in Congress and in national politics.
1789-present; formerly LexisNexis Congressional, these are retrospective collections of the publications of the U. S. Congress, including: U.S. Congressional Hearings, 1824-2003 U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1789-2003 U.S. Congressional Serial Set Maps U.S. Congressional Record, 1789-1997 U.S. Congressional UnPubished Hearings, Part A and B
The cornerstone of this collection is a two-volume, 400-plus page document consisting of (Volume I) the CIA Inspector General's (IG) Report on the CIA's ill-fated April 1961 attempt to implement national policy by overthrowing the Fidel Castro regime in Cuba by means of a covert paramilitary operation, otherwise known as the Bay of Pigs, and (Volume II), a commentary on the IG report written by the Directorate of Plans (DP), now known as the Directorate of Operations (DO). These two volumes are a rare side-by-side compilation of high-level government self-evaluation of its own performance in an historic and controversial event. The remainder of the collection is comprised of various documents, to include finished intelligence, National Security Council (NSC) briefings and Spanish-language documents. The collection now stands at 769 documents, although more may be added in the future as additional documents are subjected to the ongoing review process.
The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 presents an integrated, comprehensive record of U.S. decisionmaking during the most dangerous U.S.-Soviet confrontation in the nuclear era.
The Nicaragua document collection provides a contemporary record of the diplomatic, political, paramilitary and economic developments which turned the small Central American nation of Nicaragua into the most controversial U.S. foreign policy issue of the 1980s. The collection consists of 3,248 cataloged primary source documents totaling approximately 17,500 pages. T
Provides access to articles, book reviews, documents, original literary works, and other research materials about Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean basin, the United States-Mexico border region, and Hispanics in the United States, 1967-present.
1970-present; HAPI is an online source for information about Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean basin, the United States-Mexico border region, and Hispanics in the United States. Included are complete bibliographic citations to articles, book reviews, documents, original literary works, and other materials appearing in over 400 key scholarly social science and humanities journals published worldwide.
Provides full-text access to more than 8,500 full text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
Current; scholarly, multidisciplinary full text database, designed for the academic community with more than 8,500 full text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
A compilation of surveys and original poll questions from the United States and more than 80 other countries, 1986-present.
1986-present; Polling the Nations is a compilation of more than 14,000 surveys conducted by more than 700 polling organizations in the United States and more than 80 other countries. Each of the records reports a question asked and the responses given, the polling organization responsible for the work, the date the information was released, the sample size, and the universe, i.e., the groups or areas included in the interview.