As listed in the original 1940 printing of "A Manual for Alcoholics Anonymous" published by Akron's A.A. Group No. 1
The collections listed below do not yet have an online finding aid, but are nonetheless accessible to interested researchers. Partial typescript inventories may be available for each collection. Please contact for assistance.
The Eleventh Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous states: "Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.
To assure that the anonymity of members of Alcoholics Anonymous, and other 12-Step groups, both alive and deceased, is strictly maintained, you are respectfully asked to refer only by first name and last name initial to anyone who is identified as a member of AA, even where full names of writers and correspondents appear in the materials of the Brown University Library’s Alcohol and Addiction Collections."
Researchers using the A.A.-related collections at Brown are respectfully asked to abide by these guidelines.
This collection documents Alcoholics Anonymous through its periodical publication The AA Grapevine, an international journal written, illustrated and edited by AA members for AA members. The collection includes a variety of publications derived from The AA Grapevine, reproduced as books, pamphlets, sound recordings, cartoons as well as in other formats. Related materials can be best located through a BruKnow search for "AA grapevine."
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