Currently, only a portion of the Baldwin papers are available online. These include early drafts of "Go Tell It On the Mountain" and selected correspondence. The drafts are drawn from the James Baldwin Early Manuscripts and Papers, a larger collection of material documenting a short period of Baldwin's young adult life between 1941-1945, when Baldwin was just beginning his literary career.
A search platform focusing on African American material digitized by a growing body of libraries, archives and museums. Participants include groundbreaking theatre companies.
The complete digitized archives of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 1909-1972.
1909-1972; the NAACP Papers includes the subcollections Board of Directors, Annual Conferences, Major Speeches, Major Campaigns,Organizational Records and Personal Papers, Branch files, Youth Departmental Files, Organizational Records and National Staff Files. It is internal memos, legal briefings, and direct action summaries from national, legal, and branch offices throughout the country. It charts the NAACP's work and delivers a first-hand view into crucial issues: lynching, school desegregation, and discrimination in the military, the criminal justice system, employment, and housing, among others. It provides a comprehensive view of the NAACP's evolution, policies, and achievements. With a timeline that runs from 1909 to 1972, users can examine the realities of segregation in the early 20th century to the triumphs of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and beyond.
To view a list of individual titles in the Katzoff collection, search BruKnow for for "katzoff collection (brown university)," and use the facets to limit the author/creator to "Katzoff Collection (Brown University)"
A video streaming service providing access to independent and documentary films, current.
Current; Kanopy is a video streaming collection of films from a large group of film producers including the Criterion Collection, PBS, Kino Lorber Edu, Documentary Educational Resources Collection, BBC Active Collection, and many others.
Contains the full text of more than 1,700 plays written from the mid-1800s to the-present by more than 200 playwrights from North America, English-speaking Africa, the Caribbean, and other African diaspora countries
Black Drama, now in its expanded third edition, contains the full text of more than 1,700 plays written from the mid-1800s to the-present by more than 200 playwrights from North America, English-speaking Africa, the Caribbean, and other African diaspora countries.
Microfilm Collections
Gay Rights Movement microfilm set (Rockefeller Library, Level B)
112 Reels, catalogued as 3 separate collections: Gay Activists Alliance, Mattachine Society, and Gay and Lesbian Community. Comprises an extensive collection of material on groups involved in Gay and Lesbian life and the Gay Liberation Movement since 1950, drawn from collections of the New York Public Library and the GLBT History Society.