To demonstrate compliance, all papers that fall under the NIH Public Access Policy must be cited using the PMCID or NIHMSID in all applications, proposals and reports submitted to the NIH.
PMIDs and PMCIDs are not the same:
Note: For a given PMID (or list of them), you can use the PMCID/PMID/NIHMSID/DOI Converter to obtain the PMCID or NIHMSID if they exist.
Principal investigators with eRA Commons accounts will use the My NCBI My Bibliography tool to manage and populate their professional bibliographies. PIs must have a MyNCBI account in order to access My Bibliography and the account must be linked with an eRA Commons account. PIs may designate a delegate to maintain My Bibliography content on their behalf.
Publications managed in EndNote (and other reference managers) can be easily exported into a bibliography in NIH format provided the PMIDs and PMCIDs have been imported into the program correctly. Below are instructions on two methods of importing citation information in EndNote and on how to export in the NIH format.
PubMed --> EndNote: upload file method
Better for uploading many articles at a time.
PubMEd --> EndNote: search in EndNote method
Better for uploading only a few articles.
Creating a bibliography in NIH Format
First you need to make sure you have the correct NIH style in EndNote. EndNote does come with an NIH style, however, it creates a bibliography that is numbered, which may not be wanted. To use an NIH format without numbers, you can download the following file.
Once you've downloaded the output style, follow the steps below to save it in the EndNote program:
Note: The saved style will be located in the Documents > EndNote > Styles folder.
To create a bibliography:
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