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SOC 0315: International Migration

Find articles, case studies, and other key resources for your coursework!

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Welcome! Here are some items we'll explore below:

  1. Find books with BruKnow
  2. Request books with BorrowDirect and ILL

Find background texts with BruKnow: The Library Catalog

BruKnow is the Library Catalog. It is a simple and powerful search tool for finding books, ebooks, articles, journals, videos, digital media, and more.

You can paste citations into BruKnow for easy access to books and articles, or you can use keyword searches to discover sources for your research.

Example Boolean Search

Topic 1: migrat* OR refugee* OR ("displaced person" OR "displaced people")
Topic 2: climate OR environment OR weather
Geography: North Africa
Search: (migrat* OR refugee* OR ("displaced person" OR "displaced people")) AND (climate OR environment OR weather) AND "North Africa"

When you want to add a geographic area, consider the following:

  • How is this area defined in the existing research? by different governments? organizations? How or has it changed over time?
  • How granular or specific is geography defined in your research question?
  • Am I searching in a general database or something that is already focused on this region?

BruKnow results include material from a wide range of disciplines and sources. For the topic of migration, you may want to exclude medical sources by clicking the red box to the right of the source name.

You may also include the name of specific frameworks, theories, methodologies if there are too many results.

For more detailed instructions on using BruKnow, including how to use advanced search features to narrow by title and subject see:

Borrowing books from other institutions

Can't find a book via BruKnow? You still have a number of options!