For help determining if your intended use of a work falls under fair use, the library has staff members who can help. Contact us at .
Fair use is a copyright principle that allows consumers of information to make use of intellectual property while still enabling the creator to to own and profit from their work. If you are using an intellectual work for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research, you are likely falling under the fair use principle of copyright. To make a reasonable judgment about whether the use you make of a copyrighted work is Fair Use, the Copyright law provides a set of four factors in Sec. 107.
Review the Fair Use Checklist for your project
For more information on fair use check out Stanford University's guide to Fair Use.
Sections 107 through 122 of the U.S. Copyright Law provide limitations and exceptions to the exclusive rights of the copyright owner. The most significant of these for academe, is probably Sec. 107, Fair Use, which receives its own "tab" on the left of this page. Many of the rest of these exceptions and limitations address the specific requirements of the broadcast industry and special formats such as sound recordings, images, sculpture and architectural works. Here are the most commonly used exceptions:
Sec. 108: While Section 108 addresses the particular needs of libraries, it is this section which provides the ability of libraries to make copies for both preservation purposes and for the needs of their scholarly clientele.
Sec. 110: Section 110 embodies much of the work of the TEACH Act and authorizes certain uses of copyrighted materials. Key to these uses is that the performance or display of a copyrighted work be used "in the course of face-to-face teaching activities of a nonprofit educational institution." (Sec. 110-1). A detailed and useful review of the provisions of the TEACH Act and Sec. 110 may be found below in the Resources box.
Georgia Harper. Copyright Crash Course: The TEACH Act. Harper's detailed analysis of the provisions of Sec. 110 is followed by a handy checklist.
Peggy Hoon. The Original TEACH Act Tool Kit. Hoon's Toolkit includes two checklists to the somewhat detailed and specific requirements of the TEACH Act as well as a useful glossary to the language of the Act.
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