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ENVS 0070C Transcending Transportation Impacts

Prepared for Library research session - Fall 2022.

Find Articles, Technical Reports, Books, and News

List of essential transportation publications

2014 survey done by the Urban Transportation Monitor produced a list books and other information resources that transportation experts consider essential. Find the list on this page under "Essential Transportation Publications."

Search for Books, Articles and More with BruKnow

You can begin your search by using the box on the library home page. Here you have the option of doing a general search of most resources or using the buttons beneath the box to limit to Books and Ebooks, Ebooks only, Articles only, or Journals by title.


BruKnow Search Box on Library Homepage

When you leave the library homepage and move to the catalog itself, you'll find that, as you begin to type into the BruKnow search box, you'll be offered the following search options:

  • Everything
  • Library Catalog
  • Articles
  • Brown Digital Repository

You can also click the magnifying glass to bring up a dropdown list of search scope options or use the Advanced Search button for even more options.

What do these terms mean?

Everything: searches the library catalog, journals, articles, open access materials, images, archival materials, cataloged databases,  citations collected from scholarly e-resources, and resource guides (including guides like this).   You'll also find 'Best Bets' for often searched for items, including popular library web site pages. Note: Currently, the "Everything" search does NOT include the BDR.

Library Catalog: searches only the physical and electronic holdings in our catalog, including journal titles, DVDs, sound recordings, dissertations, musical scores, and more.

Articles: searches journal, magazine, and newspaper articles, book chapters, and more.

Brown Digital Repository: searches digitized materials in the BDR, including library collections, faculty and student work, dissertations and theses, and more.

                Tet Box: BruKnow Main Search Options