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Census Data

This guide provides an introduction to U.S. census data: concepts, datasets, and data sources

RI Data Profiles

The linked data on this page is drawn from the four profile tables (DP02 to DP05) from the American Community Survey (ACS) and the DP-1 profile table from the decennial census. You can view the original tables from the Census Bureau or modified versions published by the Missouri Census Data Center (MCDC). Each website offers different options for viewing and downloading the data.

The ACS data represents a 5-year estimate generated from a large sample survey that captures many socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the population, while the decennial census is a 100% count of the population and housing stock that captures basic characteristics. The population estimates data (for states and counties) is created by measuring births, deaths, and migration each year.

State and Counties

 Profiles from the Census Bureau and the Missouri Census Data Center (MCDC)

2020 Census RI Redistricting Data Summaries 2019-2023 ACS 2020 Census Annual Pop Estimates

rhode island map  Rhode Island

Census | MCDC Census | MCDC MCDC

bristol county mapBristol County

Census | MCDC Census | MCDC MCDC

kent county mapKent County

Census | MCDC Census | MCDC MCDC

newport county mapNewport County

Census | MCDC Census | MCDC MCDC

providence county mapProvidence County

Census | MCDC Census | MCDC MCDC

washington county mapWashington County

Census | MCDC Census | MCDC MCDC

Rhode Island county locator maps are sourced from Wikimedia Commons.

Cities and Towns

In Rhode Island, County Subdivisions consist of cities and towns.


ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) are the Census Bureau's approximation of USPS ZIP Code delivery areas.

RI Government Data Sources