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An introductory overview of the literature, data and other sources of information for research in economics.

Introduction: Find books and e-books

Welcome! Here are some items we'll explore below:

  1. Find books with BruKnow
  2. Search within key economics subjects
  3. Request books with BorrowDirect and ILL

Finding Books in BruKnow

You can search for books directly from the library home page. There is a selection button to search all books, which will look for physical and electronic versions, or for just ebooks.You can also search without making a selection, and narrow by format on the search results page.

bruknow search box with radio button for ebooks and physical books highlightedThe Library ebooks collections page includes information about the many ebook collections available to you through the Library. It also includes information on downloading, which can be tricky because the process varies among different platforms and publishers.

Key Subjects in Economics

The links below will bring you to custom BruKnow searches for each subject. You can modify the search to find your specific subtopic.

If the search does not return results that match your needs, remove the subject filter, and try keyword searching.