Located on the 11th floor of the Sciences Library, our workspace and the GIS Librarian's office is on the south side of the floor adjacent to the map collection. We have two consultation tables and a larger work table. Seats are reserved for our guests and staff. The workspace is closed and the map collection is not accessible when our staff are not present
Outside but adjacent to our work area are two PC workstations, located in the window nook on the east side of the floor. These workstations are equipped with GIS software, statistical packages, and scripting languages, and can be used by current students, faculty, and staff at Brown who have a valid Brown username and password. They are available whenever the 11th floor is open. Connect to the Brown guest network in the lower right hand corner of the screen first, and then log in with your Brown uname and pswd on the main screen. Once you are logged in, the network will switch from the guest to the regular Brown wifi network.
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