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History of Germany

Citing Sources

Citing your sources is an important step in keeping track of your research and documenting your work. Software and training options are available to the Brown community.  The Writing Center offers some resources on citation styles and on how to understand what constitutes plagiarism.

Copyright and Fair Use

For additional information on Copyright and Fair Use, consult the Brown University site.

MLA Style

For general and literature citations, prefer the MLA (Modern Language Association) format. Selected MLA style guides and resources:

Research and Documentation Online - a guide to research and MLA citations by Diane Hacker

City Source from Trinity College: MLA:  The same site from Trinity gives examples of MLA style.

The OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University: A comprehensive resource, including MLA style examples.

University of Georgia Libraries Style Guides. Includes links to MLA and Chicago examples.


Brown supports a number of citation tools: RefWorks, EndNote, and Zotero.