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Modern Culture and Media


Welcome to the research guide for Modern Culture and Media at Brown University. Here you will find resources that can help you with your research in these areas. Please feel free to contact me for a one-on-one appointment to discuss your research. My appointment calendar can be found in the Your Librarian box on this page.

If you're new to writing college level research papers, you might like to take a look at our guide below.

MCM faculty and students interact with many other department. Our guides to other subjects may be useful to you, depending on your interests. The link below will bring you to the entire list.


Print of an audience watching a project film in circa 1900

Unknown printmaker. Cinématographie Lumière projecting "L'Arrivée d'un Train en Gare." ca.1897. Luna Insight Collection.


Research evaluation

It can be hard sometimes to know whether a source is trustworthy or not. One quick method is the following. It's not foolproof but it does give you some things to think about when evaluating a source.:

Try asking yourself the following questions:

  1. Currency: How up to date is the information in this site?
  2. Relevance: How relevant is the information for your needs? Is it an appropriate level (not too elementary or too advanced)?
  3. Authority: Who is responsible for the information in this source? What are their credentials?
  4. Accuracy: Does the source provide evidence to support the information? Can it be found elsewhere?
  5. Purpose: What is the purpose? Is it to teach, sell, persuade?

Of course, Karen can also help you determine the validity of any resource you might be unsure about.

The above test was developed by librarian Sarah Blakeslee and her team at California State University, Chico.