The Department of Health and Biomedical Library Services (HBLS) offers support to researchers at Brown University who work on evidence synthesis projects in the health sciences. The following information outlines the HBLS Evidence Synthesis Service (ESS) eligibility, levels of service that can be requested, expected timeframes for deliverables, and an intake form to request review support. Demand for this service is high. While we will respond to your request relatively quickly, it may be several weeks from the time a request is received before results are delivered.
After reviewing the below guidelines, please complete the intake form below. The intake form is required for all projects at the Level 2 of our service.
You may direct your questions to, and a member of the ESS team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Faculty, staff, students, and researchers affiliated with Brown University (including residents, fellows, and clinical faculty of the Warren Alpert Medical School) undertaking evidence synthesis projects in the health and biomedical sciences are eligible to use this service.
For students doing independent research, one or two 1-hr consultations are typically enough to help define the question and develop the search strategies.
For larger team projects, we will typically start with an intake interview to define the scope of the project and determine levels of service, timelines and expectations.
Librarians provide two levels of support: (1) basic consultation service and (2) librarians as review team members.
Librarians can work with students, faculty, staff, and other researchers on a consultation basis to:
*NOTE: More than 2 hours of effort supporting a review project at this level typically results in an acknowledgement in the manuscript. This usually includes any combination of the following: multiple consultations or email responses, in-depth critiques of a comprehensive search strategy (or revisions to existing searches), and preliminary guidance on the development of the review protocol. If further support is being required by the review team, the following level of service would be more appropriate.
Librarians can also collaborate with researchers as part of the review team to provide further support. This level of service qualifies the librarian for co-authorship on the manuscript, in keeping with ICMJE's definition of the role of authors. Librarian services at this level include any combination of the following:
Literature searches for evidence synthesis projects can be time- and labor-intensive to conduct in accordance with relevant guidelines and standards. Searching for grey literature can further increase search timelines. In addition, librarians are often working on multiple projects at any given time. Researchers are encouraged to reach out to a librarian for assistance with their literature review projects as early as possible. It may take the librarian 2-3 months from the first meeting to deliver results to the research team, depending on the number of projects in the queue and the complexity of the search being requested.
The Health & Biomedical Library Services team is currently at full capacity for Level 2: Librarian as Co-Author Review Support. Level 2 requests will be processed in the order they are received. Level 1: Basic Consultation Requests will not be impacted. Once an opening becomes available, a librarian will contact you and/or your review team to provide further assistance.
We appreciate your understanding and patience,
ESS Team
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