The academic study of ancient Greece and Rome extends from before the classical period into late antiquity (roughly mid-second millennium BCE to the mid-6th century CE) , and includes a vast and interdisciplinary body of information that includes history, archaeology, art, language, literature, religion, and philosophy. Some Classicists also study the reception of Greek and Latin cultures in later periods, such as the Renaissance or Enlightenment, or by cultures other than European. The collections and resources for Classics at Brown will also be of interest to readers in other departments and programs such as Religious Studies, Philosophy, the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Medieval Studies, and Renaissance & Early Modern Studies. Conversely, researchers interested in Classical studies may find it useful to look at the guides for those subjects as well.
A specialized bibliographic database of scholarly works relating to all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations
1959-2014; subtitled A Critical and Analytical Bibliography of Greco-Latin Antiquity, L'Annee Philologique is an international, multi-lingual bibliography of all aspects of classical studies, including authors and texts, literature, archaeology, history, philosophy, and other disciplines. Includes over 375,000 citations from about 1,500 periodicals and hundreds of monographic volumes. Like the print edition, the online version of L'Annee Philologique is published approximately two years behind.
Provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
Provides image and full text online access to back issues of selected scholarly journals in history, economics, political science, demography, mathematics and other fields of the humanities and social sciences. Consult the online tables of contents for holdings, as coverage varies for each title.
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