Current; Oxford Dictionaries Online offers essential language resources never before available online: fully searchable, completely comprehensive bilingual dictionaries, and unique study materials that provide extra help with learning and using an expanding range of languages. Oxford Dictionaries Online includes access to a vast range of materials that offer authoritative support for learners, students, and language users at every level. Other materials include hundreds of downloadable letters, grammar notes, verb tables, cultural information, and more.
Includes 600,000 words, 3.5 million quotations, and more than 1000 years of English, current.
The OED Online contains the complete text of the 20-volume Second Edition, first published in 1989, together with its 3-volume Additions Series, published in 1993 (volumes 1 and 2) and 1997 (volume 3). The OED is currently being revised, with the aim of producing a completely updated third edition by the year 2010. Draft material from the revision programme will also be published online, representing the latest progress towards the new edition. More revised and new entries will be added to the online Dictionary every quarter.
Search 2 million entries spanning 25 subject areas across Oxford University Press dictionaries, companions, and encyclopedias, current.
Current; the core collection of Oxford Reference Online brings together 100 language and subject dictionaries and reference works published by the Oxford University Press into a single cross-searchable resource. The Premium Collection offers all of the above, plus added functionality and more detailed information across a broad subject range from titles in the world-renowned Oxford Companions Series, to enhance the coverage already provided by the Core Collection.
Consult the sections on English and Bilingual Dictionaries which offers the popular Collins dictionaries for English, French, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish.
Current; CREDO Reference is the world's largest online reference service, offering access to 854+ electronic reference books on most subjects, including dictionaries, biographical sources, quotations, medicine, literature, music, technology, and many other interdisciplinary sources.