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This guide offers instruction and information about the latest version of this popular citation manager available to the Brown community.

Write with EndNote

Add In-Text References

Use the EndNote Cite While You Write (CWYW) Plug-in in MS Word to insert references and to format citations and bibliographies automatically.

The EndNote plug-in should be added when you install EndNote on your computer.

Note: If after installation you do not see an EndNote tab in Microsoft Word Ribbon or Tools Menu, check "Word Options" tab in Windows or "Chooser" on a Mac. 

Inserting References in Your MS Word Document

  1. With your MS Word document open, place the cursor in the location where the citation should appear.
  2. Select the EndNote tab, then "Insert Citation." This tool searches your entire library (i.e., all reference fields for all references in all folders).
  3. Enter a term like the author or part of the reference title in the search box to find the reference or references to insert.
  4. Select the desired reference(s). To insert multiple references in one citation, click each reference while holding the Ctrl key.
  5. Click "Insert." Note the small arrow next to Insert, which will allow you to select custom options such as adding the reference to the bibliography only, or exclude the author or year if needed.


Once you insert a reference from your Library in MS Word, you'll notice that a new group is automatically created in your EndNote library specifically for the references embedded in your document:

Alternate Methods for Inserting References

  1. Highlight the desired reference in EndNote.
  2. In your MS Word document, place the cursor in the location where the citation should appear.
  3. Select the EndNote tab, then "Insert Citation," then "Insert Selected Citation(s)" from the drop-down.


  1. Open your word document and EndNote library side-by-side.
  2. Highlight the reference in EndNote.
  3. Drag and drop the reference to the correct location within Word.

Copy and Paste Formatted References

If you don't have a need for in-text citations followed by a bibliography and just want a quickly formatted citation to paste into Word (or an email, or anywhere else), go to your EndNote library. From the top menu, click "Tools," then "Output Styles," then select the bibliographic style you'd like.

 Next, right-click on the desired reference or references. Select "Copy Formatted," then paste it into your document.


Note: This creates plain text. It is not linked back to the EndNote reference, and you can't change the style once you copy/paste. For full functionality, you need to insert references using the "Cite While You Write" add-in. 

To Change Your Reference Style in Your Document:

Go to "Style" then choose the desired style from the drop down menu. If your journal style does not appear, select "Select another style" from the dropdown and select your style from that list. 


Additional Output Styles

If your preferred output style is not available, it is most likely available to download from EndNote Styles. For instance, you may be looking for a particular journal style. Simply search for the name of the style, then click "Download. Open the resulting file, then click "File," then "Save As," then close the style window. 

Using Google Docs

A Cite While You Write plugin is now available for Google Docs. See the publisher's page here to download and install.