These are resources to support the Library's session of the IMSD Module "Creating a Science-Based Web Presence".
Andrew Creamer, Research Data Management
Erin Anthony, Public Health
Amanda Elyssa Ruiz, Senior Scholar
Session Discussion Topics:
I. Scholarly Profiles and Researcher IDs
B. My Bibliography (My NCBI), Biosketch (SciENcv), and ERA Commons
C. Google Scholar, ResearcherID and Publons, and ScopusID
D. Researchgate and
E. Faculty profile systems (VIVO (researchers@Brown) and Catalyst Profiles)
II. Scholarly Impact
A. Citation alerts for your when someone cites your work (Web of Science, Google Scholar, ResearchGate)
B. Citation alerts for new publications added in your interest areas (PubMed (My NCBI))
C. Other tools for measuring journal and article-level citation-level impacts and comparing research intensity (Journal Citation Reports (JCR), InCites, and Dimensions)
D. Altmetrics and social media for tracking trending of your research (ImpactStory, Discovery Engine, and Altmetric)
E. Getting a DOI (digital object identifier) and citing research products beyond publications (e.g., data sets, code, validated instruments)
III. Open Science
A. Author Rights and Public Access vs.Open Access
B. Methods and platforms for open science (study pre-registration on Open Science Framework (OSF))
C. Platforms for sharing Pre-Prints (ArXiv, BioArXiv, OSF for Pre-Prints)
D. Platforms for sharing research data (Brown Digital Repository (BDR), Brown Dataverse, Zenodo, Dryad, FigShare)
E. Additional platforms for sharing protocols ( and code (GitHub)
F. Copyleft, Open Source, and Open Licenses
Open Science MOOC [] offers modules on several aspects of open science and public engagement with other scholars and broader communities
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