1967-present; RILM (Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale) Abstracts of Music Literature with FULL TEXT is a comprehensive music bibliography featuring citations, abstracts, and indexes, and now FULL TEXT. RILM is international in scope with materials from 150+ countries and in more than 200 languages. There are approximately a half million records in RILM on traditional music, popular music, and classical music. Conference proceedings in go back to 1835.
1967-present; RILM (Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale) Abstracts of Music Literature with FULL TEXT is a comprehensive music bibliography featuring citations, abstracts, and indexes, and now FULL TEXT. RILM is international in scope with materials from 150+ countries and in more than 200 languages. There are approximately a half million records in RILM on traditional music, popular music, and classical music. Conference proceedings in go back to 1835.
Provides access to the RIPM European and North American Music Periodicals (Preservation Series).
Provides access to information about orchestral music. Use the VPN to access this resource off-campus.
Daniels' Orchestral Music Online is a resource providing information about orchestral music. For off-campus access to this eresource, please see Laura Stokes in Orwig Music LIbrary.
1967-present; RILM (Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale) Abstracts of Music Literature with FULL TEXT is a comprehensive music bibliography featuring citations, abstracts, and indexes, and now FULL TEXT. RILM is international in scope with materials from 150+ countries and in more than 200 languages. There are approximately a half million records in RILM on traditional music, popular music, and classical music. Conference proceedings in go back to 1835.
1967-present; RILM (Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale) Abstracts of Music Literature with FULL TEXT is a comprehensive music bibliography featuring citations, abstracts, and indexes, and now FULL TEXT. RILM is international in scope with materials from 150+ countries and in more than 200 languages. There are approximately a half million records in RILM on traditional music, popular music, and classical music. Conference proceedings in go back to 1835.
Provides access to the RIPM European and North American Music Periodicals (Preservation Series).
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