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SOC 1117: Focus Groups for Social and Market Research

Updated for Fall 2022

Library Research Databases for Qualitative Research

You can use the following tools to locate qualitative research in social and market research. There may be additional databases to consult depending on your specific topic.

See Sources by Topic for suggestions, and reach out to the Librarian for this class if you would like to discuss your research!

Additional topic/disciplinary specific database and search tools can be found on the Database A-Z List

Business Source Complete Search Tip

Business Source Complete has a search filter to show research articles that use focus groups as a methodology. Here is how to do this:

  • Sign in using the library link
  • Select "Thesaurus" from the top menu
  • Search for "focus group"
  • Select the box next to "Focus Group"
  • Add term to search


SocINDEX Search Tip

Similar to the Thesaurus in Business Source Complete, SocIndex has a subject for focus groups. To add this to any search, add AND (ZU "focus groups") to the end of any search.

Proquest Business Search Tip

ProQuest Business has three controlled vocabularies - a Business Subject Thesaurus, a Company Name Thesaurus, and a general Thesaurus. You can find "focus group" in the general thesaurus.

Use the Advanced Search form to see the type of information you can find in this database. Limit by market report, case study, etc.

screenshot of proquest business advanced search form. Filter to document type, content type, browse business subjects.

BruKnow Books

You can find additional books with guidance on focus groups for qualitative research in BruKnow. Here are selected subject heading searches to get you started: