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History of Art and Architecture Resources

Finding Plans

Unfortunately, there is no one place to go to when looking for architectural plans. This page aims to show you some of the most likely places to try.

Please note: when making a model for an architectural history class, you do not need to know the exact dimensions of the building. What you need to do is get the proportions correct. This will require your finding, at a minimum, a floor plan and an elevation. Using reputable sources is also of the greatest importance.

If none of the options listed here helps, please contact your librarian. I am happy to help you locate a source for these sometimes difficult to find works.

Hand drawn architectural plan

Plan of St Gall Abbey. Ink on velleum, 816-817. St Gall Collection. Luna Insight.

Digital Resources

  • Contemporary buildings: the architectural firm's website might have plans. If not, and you can't find the plans elsewhere, it may be worth your while to try writing to the office.

Print and Ebook Resources

Note: Avery Index, listed in the previous box, may lead you to print only journals in the Brown Library collection. Here are some additional print and ebook resources:

Most books on architects and architecture will include building plans. For very well known buildings, try a search in:

Plans for newer Brown University buildings or renovations may be possibly found at::

Older Brown University building plans are kept in:

Don't forget to also check the catalogs of:

The books below may also be useful:

Model-making resources