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LACA1503V Health of Hispaniola

1. Compare and contrast the Dominican Republic and Haiti to identify factors which have resulted in divergent health outcomes; 2. Use this understanding to develop a model of health determinants to apply to other developing countries.

Finding and Using Microform at the Rockefeller Library

Many research collections at the Brown University Library are available for use only on microform -- a pre-digital technology for preserving, distributing and storing research materials on film, fiche or opaque card stock. Microform collections require the use of a specialized machine reader which magnifies the image so as to render it readable.

Microform collections and machine readers are available to researchers on Level B of the Rockefeller Library. A state of the art machine reader on Level B allows researchers to capture an image either as a printed paper copy, or as a digital image which can be stored on a USB memory stick.  Paper copies can be charged to your Brown card; for digital copies, you will need to bring your own memory stick.

Microform collections can be difficult to search successfully in BruKnow due to the format of the catalog record. To identify microform collections in the holdings of the Brown University Library, we recommend that you do a search for "microform [subject]", using the drop down menu to limit the search to "Books+," in the VuFind searchbox on the Library's homepage. 

Selected Microfilm Sets

Minerva: revista quincenal dedicada a la mujer de color
Minerva began a two-year publication in 1888, two years after the emancipation of slaves in Cuba and ten years before national independence. It was an extraordinary and unique journal, as it demonstrated that a middle-class strata of free black women were educated, involved in nation building, and devoted to people of color. In 1910, it began publication anew, this time under male direction. Women, however, wrote columns and were featured in a section entitled "Páginas feministas." The new Minerva: Revista Ilustrada Universal remained in print until 1915, reporting through the 1912 organization and repression of the Partido Independiente de Color (The Cuban Independent Colored Party). Contributors to Minerva took non-militant views of the unification of the state, but they also made fun of white elite society, and elevated themselves to high cultural status. They stressed education as the vehicle for class mobility, and their journal was evidence of their own erudite achievements. The only extant collection of Minerva resides in Cuba. (Other Cuban journals of the same name were published by the Cuban Mason Society.) Besides rich editorials, this journal reported the activities of Afro-Cuban social and welfare societies throughout the island, published poetry, critiqued Cuban artists and musicians, and exhibited extraordinary photojournalism that pictorially recorded the Afro-Cuban people who were Cuba's intellectual and artistic personalities.

The Women's Movement in Cuba, 1898-1958: the Stoner Collection on Feminism
The collection, compiled from Cuban archives covers the period from Cuban independence following the Spanish-American War to the end of the Batista Regime providing information on Cuban women in politics, Cuban feminism, Cuban women's literature, and the legal status of Cuban women, 1898-1940.