Archaeology at Brown is represented across a variety of disciplines and institutes. This guide aims to provide a basic level of coverage in available scholarly resources for students and researchers of archaeology from all subfields and persuasions. Geographically and temporally it is nearly impossible to comprehensively treat all the resources out there. Where there is a focus to this guide it is given to the regions of the Mediterranean and the Near East, however, some effort has been taken to provide coverage of other key archaeological regions and time periods, such as Mesoamerica, New England, Medieval Europe, North Atlantic, and China.
If you're new to writing college level research papers, you might like to take a look at our guide below:
Palmyra: Temple of Bel, 32 CE. Photograph by Juan Llanos via Creative Commons license.
It can be hard sometimes to know whether a source is trustworthy or not. One quick method is the following. It's not foolproof but it does give you some things to think about when evaluating a source.:
Try asking yourself the following questions:
Of course, Karen can also help you determine the validity of any resource you might be unsure about.
The above test was developed by librarian Sarah Blakeslee and her team at California State University, Chico.
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