This guide is intended to be a pointer to key resources that students or faculty members may find helpful when doing any research on the subject of religion. While it is meant to support, especially, the Department of Religious Studies at Brown University, interest in religion can come from many different subject fields. Conversely, anyone researching topics involving religion may need to look at other of our guides, depending on their geographic, chronological, or disciplinary focus. Other guides here that you may find useful are those for: Africana Studies, American Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Bio-Ethics, Classics, Early Cultures, Early Modern Studies, East Asian Studies, Egyptology & Assyriology, Gender and Sexuality Studies, History, History of Art & Architecture, Islamic Studies, Judaic Studies, Latin American & Caribbean Studies, Medieval Studies, Middle East Studies, Music, Native American & Indigenous Studies, Philosophy, Sociology, South Asian Studies, and Theatre Arts & Performance Studies. As religion is a subject that affects (and is affected by) every part of society and culture, this list is certainly not exclusive, so you may want to look at the entire list of guides here.
It may be worth noting that the resources listed here are intended to support the academic study of religion and religious phenomena, and this guide is not meant to promote the practice of any particular religion or groups of religions. Certain religious traditions may receive more or less attention here based on the focus of the Department of Religious Studies and the interests and needs of other academic departments here at Brown University.
A specialized bibliographic database of scholarly works relating to all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations
1959-2014; subtitled A Critical and Analytical Bibliography of Greco-Latin Antiquity, L'Annee Philologique is an international, multi-lingual bibliography of all aspects of classical studies, including authors and texts, literature, archaeology, history, philosophy, and other disciplines. Includes over 375,000 citations from about 1,500 periodicals and hundreds of monographic volumes. Like the print edition, the online version of L'Annee Philologique is published approximately two years behind.
Provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
Provides image and full text online access to back issues of selected scholarly journals in history, economics, political science, demography, mathematics and other fields of the humanities and social sciences. Consult the online tables of contents for holdings, as coverage varies for each title.
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