Modern Greek Studies at Brown covers four basic areas: Greek language, literature, history, and anthropology from the age of the Enlightenment to the present. Faculty are located in several departments, including Comparative Literature, History, Classics and the Watson Institute for International Studies. More information, including useful links for Modern Greek language, literature and culture, can be found on the program's website.
This guide provides information about Modern Greek resources in the library as well as information about citation and basic library research practices.
Modern (and Byzantine) Greek literature is catalogued in the PA5000-PA6000 range. These books are on Level B in the Rock. Modern Greek history holdings are catalogued in the DF 701-951 range. They can be found on Level 3. However, additional relevant books are filed in other areas of the library, so it can be useful to explore subject headings. Search for the term "Modern Greek" or "Modern Greece" as a subject heading in the search box on the main library page. This will display a list of books and other resources which you can explore using the list of additional categories that appears on the right. As a member of the HathiTrust Digital Library, Brown has access to a number of 19th and early 20th c. Greek books as ebooks. These books are in BruKnow and will show up in ordinary search results. Remember that books are not always on the shelf in the Rock - they may be checked out, in the process of being re-shelved or have to be recalled from the Annex.
The Music Library has a substantial collection of Modern Greek sound recordings. To get a better sense of the holdings, view the current list of sound recordings and click the "More..." link at under "Suggested Topics" at the top of the page. Areas covered include Rebetika, Folk, some contemporary popular music and ethnomusicological recordings. CDs and other forms of sound recording are held at the Orwig Music Library, and can be checked out there. You can also find music from Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean region in the library's streaming collections from Alexander Street Press: Contemporary World Music Online and Smithsonian Global Sound. You can search all the music collections on the Music Online page. For more information on finding Music resources at Brown, see the Music LibGuide.
The library collects Greek films and videos. A partial list of DVDs and VHS tapes can be generated from the library search interface. There is also a complete list of available DVDs.
The Anne S. K. Brown Military collection has a some prints of Greek soldiers and military costumes, mainly from the time of the Greek Revolution, but some from later periods. The collection of Carriers' Addresses, special broadsides in verse sold by newsboys during the holiday season to gather tips, has a number of items that refer to the Greek Revolution. A few other items that have been digitized from Brown's special collections also refer to Greece. View Digital Collections.
How to request articles not available online at Brown.
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