As a Brown student, you have access to a wide selection of data sources, including paid database subscriptions. We at the Library collect a variety of resources to help you develop a data search strategy.
Based on your research question, you may find some useful resources below.
Texts can include anything from books to magazine articles to webpages to tweets. When building a collection of texts (or a text corpus) for a research project, you have several options.
There is a vast array of quantitative, polling, survey, and geospatial social science datasets that could benefit your projects! Here are direct links to data resource guides by topic:
There are yet more datasets on the open internet. Here are a few tips for conducting a data search:
Did you know you could limit your search to higher-ed affiliated resources by adding "site:*.edu" to your search in Google? Try searching for "social media dataset site:*.edu" and see how your search changes
Similarly, you can do a fine-grained search of resources like GitHub by searching "social media dataset " . This type of search uses Google's search indexing, rather than the internal GitHub search feature, and can thus prioritize more impactful / linked-to resources. (Although keep in mind the limitations of commercial search engines!)
Send an email: You can reach out with your question at:
Book an appointment: You can use this self-service link to book a time: Book an appointment during office hours.
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