"The peak support and advocacy body for Aboriginal artists and Aboriginal-owned community Art Centres spread across over one million square kilometres of country in the Top End of the Northern Territory and Western Australia."
A collection of photographs of Papua New Guinea taken by Bruce Stinear, a New Zealand geologist most famous for his work in Antarctica. ca. 1937. From Australian National University via JSTOR.
A collection of images of Pacific and Asian locations from Burns Philp and Company, a major shipping line that acted as merchants and agents in the Pacific Islands. From Australian National University via JSTOR.
Map attempting to represent the language, social, or nation groups of Aboriginal Australia. From the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.
"This Pan Pacific documentary explores the different tatau for women across the Moana, looking at the history and the meaning behind these ancient marks."
Over 30,000 images from collections available for free high resolution download, either under Creative Commons license or under no restrictions at all (depends on the image).
The Pitcairn Islands Study Center Postcard Collection visually documents the history and people of the Pitcairn Islands and the Bounty saga. From Pacific Union College via JSTOR.
Dr. Iraphne Childs’ Geographical Image Collection is the result of photographs taken primarily in the 1970s – 1990s in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hawaii and the Western USA. Available through JSTOR.
"A social enterprise of the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Council created to enable women in remote central deserts to earn their own income from fibre art."